Attached Services




Community Nursing

Community nurses are employed by the Primary Care Trust and work alongside the Medical Staff based at the practices.


District Nurses

The district nursing service provides a broad range of nursing care to housebound patients. This may be in their home, residential accommodation or where appropriate in the clinic setting. District nurses generally work in teams and are closely linked with The Medical Group Team, hospital staff and social services personnel. 

image of a district nurse

The overall aim of the service is to work in partnership with patients and carers towards maximum independence and self care.


Health Visitors

A Registered General nurses who have undergone specialist training in public health. They work closely with GP’s, practice nurses and midwives and have close working links with social service departments, local authority education, housing, police and most voluntary organisations. Health Visitors are able to prescribe a limited range of medicines for minor injuries and illnesses. 


Community Midwives

The Midwives provide emotional and physical support to women during pregnancy. They work closely with the GP's managing the antenatal clinics within the practices. The midwives provide information to women in their care about all aspects of ante and postnatal care, within both the hospital and general practice setting.